What to expect as we reverse your Type 2 Diabetes

We provide an individualized therapeutic carbohydrate restricted meal plan, monitor your response to treatment and adjust your medications. You receive care management support and training to empower you to maintain long term success.  In a recent study, 46% of patients with Type 2 diabetes no longer take diabetes specific medications.  Almost all patients decreased their medication requirement.

What to expect:           

1.      Comprehensive medical evaluation visit. We review your medical history and lab results so that we can optimize your medications safely.   We use CGM to monitor your response to carbohydrates to enable us to develop a personalized therapeutic carbohydrate restricted meal plan.  We review your personal goals and health risks. We order a blood pressure cuff, scale and a CGM so that you and our medical team can monitor your response to treatment.  Close monitoring will empower you to work with us to adjust your medications safely. We try to overcome insurance limitations.


2.      Individual assessment to evaluate your psychosocial needs so that we provide a sustainable treatment plan that you can maintain lifelong. We provide chronic care management support to overcome barriers to achieving success.  


3.      Diabetes Reversal and Remission

·         Intensive phase usually lasts 2-4 months. You receive an individualized therapeutic carbohydrate restricted meal plan based upon your CGM findings. We initiate an optimized medication regimen. We monitor your sugar and blood pressure and adjust your medications as you respond to treatment.  Our care management team provides support, training and tools to enable you to partner with us to achieve your health goals.

·         Stabilization phase usually lasts 2-4 months requires less intense interventions as we monitor progress and continue to adjust your treatment regimen. You receive care management support and training.

·         Maintenance phase provides ongoing support so that your health improvements are maintained long term because you have a genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.